Pan fried Blue Cod, proscuitto and gherkin bites with white anchovy remoulade

fish fillets wrapped in prosciutto and lettuce

Pan frying delicate blue cod in prosciutto creates a succulent crunch. What do you get when you pair that with crispy gherkin and creamy white anchovy remoulade all parcelled up neatly in a witlof leaf and dusted with smoked paprika flakes? The most delicious and easy to eat canapé ever.



500 g Moana blue cod
200 g Woody’s free range prosciutto
6 plump gherkins cut into 6 sticks
2 T olive oil

8 Talatta White Anchovies mashed
½ c good mayonnaise
Large handful fresh oregano chopped finely
Half a small red onion diced very finely
Squeeze of lemon juice 

fish wrapped in prosciutto


3 whole white witlof (Endive)
Sabato’s famous Pons Smoked Paprika Flakes
Salt flakes

Cut fish into 36 lengths slightly larger than the width of the prosciutto slices.

Wrap fish and gherkins in one prosciutto slice each.

Mix together the remoulade ingredients. If you like it extra salty add more anchovies.

Arrange the witlof leaves on a platter and put a teaspoon of remoulade in the middle of each leaf.

In your Ironclad Pan on medium high, heat the olive oil and fry off the blue cod bites in batches seam side down first. About 30 seconds a side. The prosciutto should be brown and crunchy and the fish just cooked.

Turn only once and drain on paper towels. Don’t worry if they come apart a little when you turn them. You will arrange them seam side down in the leaf. 

Arrange bites on the witlof leaves.

Sprinkle with smoked paprika flakes and salt flakes and serve immediately.

Now quietly watch as your guests take that first mouthful. Oh yes, they have just fallen that little bit more in love with you!

Recipe courtesy of The Ironclad Pan Company

prosciutto wrapped around fish